Friday, March 6, 2009

Top Ten

It’s Friday and my brain is too far gone from the hectic week to put together a post, so I made some lists. Call me Mrs. David Letterman – they’re my Top Tens of Pregnancy (of course – what else?), although not listed in any specific order.

Things that I miss:

  • My favorite pair of jeans. I tear up a little if I look at them too long, sadly hanging in my closet crying “Wear me! Pick me!”
  • The ability to stay up past 10pm without feeling like a total zombie.
  • Margaritas.
  • Sleeping through the night without waking up 2-3 times for potty trips. We’ve gone through more toilet paper in my pregnancy than should be allowed by law.
  • Wearing my wedding and engagement rings. I bought a stand-in to wear through the rest of my pregnancy, but it’s just not the same.
  • Wearing heels. Like my jeans, I tear up a little when I look at them sitting in my closet, literally collecting dust. Although, I must admit I’ll probably keep a few pairs of flats around post-baby. I’ve become a big fan.
  • My Victoria’s Secret pj’s. I actually boxed up my pre-pregnancy pj’s so I wouldn’t be able to see them. Or attempt to wear them and inevitably stretch them out. I know hubby is waiting for the day that I pull that box down from the top of my closet. Let’s just say looking cute at night hasn’t exactly been as big a priority to me as it was before I got pregnant.
  • Being able to “get up and go” in a moment’s notice. It takes a little time and a lot of effort for me to go from point A to point B. Especially in a hurry.
  • Beers with my buddies.
  • Being able to bend over, twist, and put on pants and undies without hobbling around like a complete idiot.

Things that I love:
  • Feeling my baby move. Best. Feeling. EVER. I love that I feel like I know him so well already.
  • Reading What To Expect When You’re Expecting each week to track baby’s growth and progress.
  • The compassion I get from other women – who knew they could be so nice? From simple acknowledging smiles in the grocery store to full blown conversations in the elevators, pregnancy seems to provide an instant bond between women.
  • Hearing/reading other people’s baby stories and knowing that I’m not alone.
  • My hubby’s face when he feels the baby move.
  • My Snoogle body pillow – it’s a lifesaver. I highly recommend it for all preggos.
  • Knowing that this is the one time in life I’m allowed to stuff my face and get round without judgment from others (although some people still feel the need to judge…morons).
  • My new boobs.
  • Decorating the nursery and hanging up teeny clothes.
  • Maternity jeans – I’ll miss the elastic waistbands dearly once this is all over.
  • Foot and back rubs from hubby.

Things I’m not so crazy about:
  • The swelling – sometimes my ankles and the spaces between my toes disappear completely. I feel like I need to put up “LOST - REWARD” signs for them
  • The heartburn that now bothers me all day and wakes me up at night. At least Tums has come a long way on their flavors.
  • The fact that I cannot stand up or roll over in bed without extreme effort – complete with grunts and heavy breathing on my end and a few smirks and snickers from hubby’s end.
  • The extra layer of cellulite that has taken up residence on my thighs and hiney. As if I weren’t cursed enough before baby. Mother Nature has such a wicked sense of humor.
  • My ever-expanding booty. Like the cellulite, as if my booty weren’t big enough before, I feel like one single pair of my pregnancy undies could double as a swimming pool cover.
  • The stretchmarks that continue to spread across my mid section. Cheryl’s neighbor (who’s also a mom and stretchmark victim) had a great analogy. It looks like Freddy Krueger attacked my belly.
  • The hormone swings. I can go from your best friend to your worst nightmare in the blink of an eye. For absolutely no reason, other than the fact that you are standing there. Breathing.
  • The fact that I can no longer climb into bed without a little help from hubby. I feel like a 5-year-old.
  • The hot flashes. Although they aren’t as bad as the horror stories I’ve heard from some women. I get them occasionally at night where I’ll wake up in a pool of sweat, and sometimes during the day just sitting at my desk. I'm the crazy lady pounding bottles of water while fanning myself with a manila folder.
  • The constant worry of hypertension and preeclampsia, now that I’m in the home stretch.

The good thing is, my list of things that I’m not so crazy about are things that should go away immediately or soon after I have the baby (however, the cellulite and XL booty will take some extra effort on my part). They’re just temporary nuisances that I have to deal with in order to get the big reward in May. As much as I complain, I still love it. Most days ;)


Cheryl Ann said...

The payoff is going to be sweet - I can't wait to meet little Luke ;)

undies that "double as a pool cover"...?!?!?! I am cracking up in my kitchen. I love you, lady!